Hemorex – Cryo applicator, Medical device for hemorrhoids


Hemorex – Cryo applicator is unique and natural method for hemorrhoids.Tthis method brings immediate relief and  it  is suitable for external and internal hemorrhoids.

Hemorex – Cryo applicator contains no pharmacological or other substances and therefore this method is natural and also suitable for allergic, asthmatic, nursing and pregnant women.

Hemorex is made of medicinal plastic, inside is a gel that is able to keep cool for a long time.  We will give Hemorex for 2 hours to the freezer and then we apply to the affected site. The cold instantly calms all the accompanying phenomena of hemorrhoids – pain, itching, burning, swelling, inflammation, bleeding…

  • medical device class I. for external and internal hemorrhoids
  • cold brings relief at pain, itching, burning, swelling, inflammation, bleeding
  • natural and safe method without side effects, contraindications and interactions
  • is for all – including allergic, pregnant and nursing women
  • the effect of this method is supported by a clinical study
  • HEMOREX is reusable in home´s comfort
  • it can be used for any length of time and combined with other products, is suitable after haemorrhoid surgery

Made in EU



It is necessary to wash your hands before and after application. If after 3 weeks there is no improvement, visit your doctor.

Directions for use

Put the applicator sealed in the original container for at least 2 hours into the freezer. Disinfect the applicator and apply lubricant or grease. Apply lying on the side and take the rectum. The application time is 6-8 minutes or until the applicator reaches your body temperature.  After application wash and disinfect  and return to the protective packaging. Finally, put it back in the freezer – the applicator will be ready for further use.


Min. 1-2 times a day for two weeks. If after 3 weeks there is no improvement, visit your doctor.